

Do you feel stuck, lingering stress & numbness, aches and pains, tired and unable to focus, continually in a prepared state of readiness for what’s to come? Do you want a way to relax so that your “work me” does not need a “rest me” to survive? Do you want to feel soothed and loved, clean and rejuvenated, melting deeper and deeper into restful healing?

I offer Reiki Healing Energy as a simple, effective Japanese energy healing practice that brings the mind, body and spirit into balance as well as accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal itself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The body is thus relaxed, rejuvenated and restored. Reiki is facilitated by using a light touch of hands on a fully clothed recipient or placing hands above the body in a seated or lying position. It can also be done as a long distance practice when not physically present. The recipient many feel warmth, coolness, tingling or just a sense of well-being, peace and relaxation, but even if nothing is felt, Reiki benefits still occur. During the session, the practitioner channels the unseen “universal life-force energy” to flow though her hands to balance, unblock and cleanse the body along its major energy centers, the chakras. Specific healings focused on cutting karmic cords, birth trauma, a specific location, past lives, DNA and crystalline density can also be addressed in the session. You may feel a release of old emotional patterns and overall ease from the pressures of career, relationships, parenting and finances as you feel and heal better. Afterword, many experience a wonderful night’s sleep, lessening pain and discomfort, clarity in making decisions and a general state of tranquility.

Stress-less Coaching

Do you want to re-envision yourself and re-create a life with the highest possibilities of your nature limited only by your own imagination? Do you want to make decisions with ease and trust your intuition, owning your value without wobble back and forth? Do you want to be free from tendencies of self-sabotaging your gifts and feel joy? Do you want to be seen, heard, respected and loved and stop feeling like somehow you are wrong, worthless, abandoned? Do you want want relief from the burn-out of managing all the details as a parent? Do you want to stop experiencing the same difficult feelings or patterns of addictive behavior and be able to give and receive with yourself and others?

Through supportive and empathetic coaching, I partner with you on your lifelong journey to become authentically real, create healthy relationships with yourself and others and awaken your greatest potential. You will gain clarity of the image of your personal Self at its best. I devote myself to walk with you through your process of self-illumination using Philosophy, Integral Human Design, Gene Keys and a lifetime of experience — as a sort of gardening manual — that will guide you to deepen through the growing process; the seeds of genius are already inside your heart. You will turn the authority of your mind over to your heart in a voyage of letting go of any self-sabotage. The desire to understand ‘how, how, how’ will surrender into ‘allow, allow, allow.’ 

This begins with being vulnerable with your fears, your so-called dark side. Our bodies change when our stories change, our stories change when our bodies change, and I support you in being the change and healing. I whole-heartedly appreciate the value in Pitzal’s Integral Human Design and Rudd’s Gene Keys which affirm that DNA can create and evolve your conscious life based upon the frequency of the vibration it receives; it acts as a natural conductor of electricity as you shift your mood and trigger a response within you. When you broadcast scarcity, blame and self-pity, you receive more of what feels like scarcity, lack and despair. Yet when you broadcast abundance, self-responsibility and empowering potential, you receive what feels like abundance, fulfillment and joy. As we take a heartful look at your fears at work inside of you together, I aspire to the possibility that you will actually affect your cells through your attitude, feelings and emotions to organically reprogram your DNA of its low frequency patterns. You will be empowered with playful yet focused contemplation of your gifts and a healthy dose of patience and courage while exploring your shadow nature. Throughout the process, many say that as you face your personal shadows and disharmony within, you find that in the twists and turns you experience revelations, insights and breakthroughs.  In my own experience, this allows you to manifest an alignment in tranquility with your life, loving what is.

 Any trauma you have experienced can leave you imbalanced and feeling helpless, disconnected and alone. I help you listen to the unique, unspoken voice of your body and feel your "survival emotions" without being overwhelmed by their powerful states. I am dedicated to create an atmosphere of refuge, hope, and possibility, holding space for you and with you, to break free from this doom loop/feedback loop and transmute your self-destructive tendencies into more beneficial patterns.  This aspires to access your natural responses, gut feelings and whole-hearted thoughts. As trauma's grip on you is loosened, your harmony is often restored. It is my heartfelt intention for you to become the adult you needed when you were younger.

 You are worthy of love beyond your wildest dreams. Human beings are wired for connection. In our intimate relationships, love asks us to be present, to show up, to pay attention, and to care through the reciprocity of giving and receiving. I found out the hard way that this is not about learning how to argue better, making grand emotional gestures or care-giving. The emotional underpinnings of relationships allow you to see that you are emotionally attached to your loved ones in a healthy dependency. Intimacy is in-to-me-you-see. I invite you on the voyage with me to be love’s apprentice, learning to give and receive, support and nurture, and foster protection and safety throughout all your intimate relationships. In essence, you become emotionally present in an intimate relational space within which all of your relationships will thrive.

I am devoted to helping you feel confident, unconditionally loved, and joyful no matter what is happening in life.


Gene Keys Guidance

Do you want to honor and gain clarity within your own body, boundaries and feelings, doing what is best for your health and peaceful prosperity?

I have found the secret sauce to my most radiant, healthy self within my Gene Keys Journey. Health is not the absence of disease, but a proactive and preventative way to stay in fit cellular condition within your bones, muscles, organs, blood, and systems of the body. Every tiny molecule within the DNA of your body has a magical power and wisdom that leads to peace and prosperity. I have found that you can tap into the body’s innate capacity to continually restore itself to mental and emotional health and tranquility through Richard Rudd’s Gene Keys system. Combining it with somatic Movement-Based Learning and AromaTouch Technique massage will also aid in transitioning from any acute or chronic pain by balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, allowing you to move with more ease. We will get curious and explore the point just before any discomfort in movement, and Feldenkrais’ implied value in never getting to a limit, but always transcending softly beyond it. I also utilize essential oils to help to cleanse and release toxins, both chemical and emotional, and strengthen your immune system in support of brain, heart and gut health. Holistic health, physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual, is our greatest wealth.

“An hour with Lisa leaves you in Embodied Tranquility…

Before I was exhausted, lot of noise chatter and as soon as you started I just kept on melting deeper and deeper and deeper, oh my goodness. I fell into this sleep almost like I didn’t want to wake up. I felt like all my pain went away. I felt so relaxed, so soothed, so loved. And right now I am tingling all over, feel clean and rejuvenated. I feel healed.”

Katina V. Manning, DC
Owner of Wellspring Chiropractic Center