Frequently asked questions

What happens in a Reiki session?

We begin the session by talking about what is happening for you now and what you would like to focus on. After that, I will ask you to lie down, fully clothed, on a comfortable table. First, I scan your body with my hands to feel for any disharmonies in your energy. As I do this, I am tuning in for messages from your body as to where emotions and old experiences are being stored. I will act as an impartial channel for the universal life force healing energy to these areas as well as clear your chakras. As the energy healing is taking place, we can either talk about the thoughts and feelings that come up, or remain silent and discuss your experience at the end if you wish. As we conclude the session, you will feel embodied by a loving blanket of energy that will leave you feeling relaxed, joyful and inspired.

What happens in a coaching or Gene Keys guidance session?

As we begin the session, I will ask you about what is happening right now and any issues you are trying to sort out. As we talk about these areas, I will connect to your soul’s higher wisdom as well as rely on my intuition, insight and experience to illuminate what is most helpful to you right now on your journey. This will feel like a conversation, but the information that manifests will be clear and loving as we tap into your highest potential. We will work with what bubbles up as well as delve into resources and strategies that resonate uniquely with you, and I will often recommend activities, readings and additional therapies that support what we are doing together.

How do I know what kind of a session is right for me? Can I get a sense for what you offer before I invest in working with you?

I typically start with a 20-minute consultation session for you to tell me about yourself and what you are interested in focusing on. I’ll have some suggestions, and we can discuss options. You can also find more information under “Offerings,” and I would be happy to answer any questions that you have.

Can I have a session that combines Reiki, Coaching and/or Gene Keys Guidance?

Yes, we can tailor the sessions to what works for you. They all work well together, and my approach is always to serve your wellbeing holistically.

What services are you offering during the pandemic? What if I don’t feel safe to do an in-person session?

I am following the Massachusetts Sector Specific Workplace Safety Standards for Close Contact Personal Services to Address COVID-19 and currently I am offering in-person sessions, subject to any changes to local guidelines. My highest priority is to work with you in a safe and nurturing environment and many of my clients see me remotely using Zoom, phone or Facebook Messenger video calling.

What if I live far away? Do you offer energy healing and coaching from a distance?

Yes, I do. I see clients from all over the world. When distance or circumstances prevent in-person sessions, I am able to offer the same services remotely. Energy healing has no physical borders, and I simply tune into you, scan your body and energy field and discover the areas of physical and emotional imbalance just as if you were physically beside me.

How do you help me deepen into the Gene Keys that inform my profile?

Gene Keys provides a profile of the gifts that you were born with and gives you a map into your essence and deepest potential. I will share with you an overview of how to interpret the Golden Path of the profile, and explore an in-depth perspective of the gifts of your inner nature through my own lived experience. Together we will explore how these tools can help and support you in your life’s work, relationships and prosperity.

What is an AromaTouch massage Technique like?

AromaTouch Technique is an essential oil massage application to the back and feet that supports stress reduction, immune enhancement, inflammatory responses reduction, and homeostasis. This 45-minute technique combines the benefits of physical touch with the healing power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. Each of the essential oils is selected for its particular aromatic properties, and they work together to cleanse, detoxify, relax, and rejuvenate the body.

Can I buy the oils you use in our session for personal use?

Yes. I use doTerra Essential Oils, as I believe they provide the purest and highest quality. I also offer to create for you a personal aromatic blend that suits your Human Design and/or any concerns or disharmonies that you want to address through aromatherapy. For more information about doTerra Essential Oils, go to

Does any of your approach go against my belief in God? What if I’m not religious or spiritual?

I work with people who have all kinds of belief systems about spirituality, including none at all. I can support you to find clarity and feel better emotionally, mentally and physically while working with your unique viewpoint.

Do you work with children? Children with special needs?

Yes. I offer Reiki Energy Healing and Healthy Lifestyle Solutions to children of all ages and abilities. Through my personal history as a mother of a child with special needs, I have applied much of what I have learned to my own family. Energy healing and movement-based learning are particularly effective applications for a variety of physical, emotional and intellectual differences such as autism, cerebral palsy and attention deficit disorder. For children under the age of eighteen who are seeking a coach, I recommend connecting with a school counselor or mental health professional specializing in children.

What forms of payment do you accept? Do you take insurance?

I accept Venmo, PayPal and personal check. At this time, I don’t accept insurance.


“You have saved my heart and soul many times.”

“I feel that you are my kindred spirit as if I have known you for lifetimes. You have saved my heart and soul many times. You have no idea what a bright star and spiritual guide you have become to me. I am eternally grateful for you.”

Tina Marie Stanfa
Reflexology, Pranic and Reiki Healer